Comprised of a deftly blended series of encounters between a group of strangers who assemble at the site of John Lennon's assassination, the play captures the sense of shock and uncomprehending loss which followed that awful event.
Brian.... | David C. Neal |
Fran.... | Jennifer Gumpert |
Gately.... | Curt Hampstead |
Kevin.... | David Abramsky |
Larry.... | Ithamar Francois |
Mike.... | Tommy Prudenti |
Morris.... | Joe Bendavid |
Sally.... | Maria Romano |
Silvio.... | Michael J. Driscoll |
Directed by | Stephanie Youngman |
Produced by | JC Gibriano |
Costume Design by | Alison Byrne |
Lighting Design by | Ed Pearson |
Sound Design by | Matt Carlson |
Sound Design by | Stephanie Youngman |
Stage Managed by | Stephanie Simons Neal |
Technical Direction by | Scott C. Hill |
Set Designed by | JC Gibriano |
Scenic Art by | Stephanie Youngman |
Properties by | Stephanie Youngman |
This tribute performance commemorating the 25th anniversary of Lennon's death will be presented on the main stage. $1.00 from each ticket purchased will be donated to The Spirit Foundation, the charity formed by John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1978.