Written in 1967, this early Woody Allen Comedy centers around an American family, the Hollanders, that takes refuge in an American Embassy in a country that lies somewhere behind the iron curtain. Between the hair-brained son of the Ambassador and the scared priest, the Hollanders have very little hope of returning home to Newark.
Ambassador Magee.... | Bob Caruso |
Axel Magee.... | Mathew Kaplanof |
Burns.... | Claudia Kalinowski |
Chef.... | Terry Holusha |
Countess Bordoni.... | Samira Mouallaf |
Father Drobney.... | Joe DeSpirito |
Kasnar.... | Gentian Grezla |
Kbg Guard.... | Ben Liebert |
Krojack.... | Dan Reed |
Marion Hollander.... | Elaine Lubetkin |
Mr. Kilroy.... | Mitch Frank |
Sultan Of Bashir.... | Steve Lomazow |
Susan Hollander.... | Diana Minervini |
Walter Hollander.... | Mark Liebert |
Directed by | Ken Budris |
Stage Managed by | Amy Fox |