An affecting and ingeniously conceived family drama which takes place on two levels of reality: the present day lives of an estranged wife and her aged, ailing mother; and the haunting, evocative events of the past which arise from the mother's fervid memory.
Dr. Vener.... | Michael Giammarino |
Hattie.... | Jude Reikert |
Henry.... | Al Pascarella |
Karl.... | Bill Kirby |
Matt (The Boy).... | Louis Leatso |
Mortimer.... | Rick Borelli |
Mother.... | Barbara Ann Shwed |
Mr. Graves.... | John Zilles |
Mrs. Graves.... | Eva Goodman |
Robert.... | Frank McDonnell |
Susan.... | Phaedea Britt |
The Boy's Father.... | Bill Kirby |
The Girl's Father.... | John Zilles |
The Mute.... | Anne Giesemann |
The Narrator (El Gallo).... | Lawrence Brustofski |
Luisa (The Girl).... | Beth Ann Coleman |
Luisa (The Girl).... | Alyson Van DeGiesen |
Directed by | Bill C. Fikaris |
Directed by | Greg Milo |
Assistant Directed by | Rick Borelli |
Assistant Directed by | Ines Caraballo |
Costume Design by | Angie Cifelli |
Costume Design by | Angie Cifelli |
Lighting Design by | Sandy Mortan |
Lighting Design by | Sandy Mortan |
Sound Design by | Bill C. Fikaris |
Stage Managed by | Paul Bruni |
Stage Managed by | Patrick Lynch |
Musical Direction by | Ingrid Steele |
Set Designed by | Sandy Mortan |
Set Designed by | Sandy Mortan |
Properties by | Ann Milani |