This is Malina's sixth show with DS, and her third stage appearance. She has been seen in sequins as Julia in "Lend Me a Tenor" and Cha-Cha in Grease and has put people in such things as tule skirts, drapery, funny hats and gingham in Godspell, Rosencranzs and Guildenstern are Dead, and Guys and Dolls. She has also been involved in more Fo/Sno/Bo- shows than she could list here. Of course, now she's really stretching her acting abilities and playing a man, a fat man no less. Sticking with tradition, of course, she does happen to be playing the most annoying, obnoxious character in the show. And since she doesn't know why she's writing this in the third person. I'll just confuse you all and switch on you :-). Thanks a lot for coming to the show! Unless you are a friend or relative of somebody else involved in the show, then I'm probably partially responsible for you being here; which means i really hope you like it. Enjoy!